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Agostino De Marco

Prof. Agostino De Marco (ADM) is an expert in the field of flight dynamics and control. He took his MSc in aeronautical engineering in 1996 at the University of Naples Federico II. From the same university, he holds since 2001 a PhD in naval engineering. CV here

ADM's main research areas are: aircraft flight mechanics, flight dynamics & control, flight simulation, and flight testing. Due to his academic background and more than 20 year involvement in various projects at the University of Naples Federico II, ADM has accumulated a significant expertise in applied aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, computational fluid dynamics (CFD, with applications to both aeronautical and naval engineering problems), and scientific computing in general.

ADM is also a proficient computer programmer and an expert software engineer. He has developed a professional level knowledge of the following related fields: programming languages (Java, Python, Matlab, C++, C, Fortran), software engineering, object-oriented design and functional programming, distributed revision control and source code management (SCM) platforms (such as GitHub and Bitbucket), CAD and solid modelling, grid generation.

ADM is one of the maintainers and developers of JSBSim, an open-source, multi-platform, general purpose, object-oriented Flight Dynamics Model (FDM) written in C++.

Author 2

Angelo Lerro