Placing and orienting the aircraft orientation shape in the three-dimensional space¶
The plan:
- Use MATLAB to read a struct variable representing the aircraft external surface.Use the provided function loadAircraftMAT.
- Plot the faceted shape of the aircraft in a 3D space with the function patch and display the two reference frames ${\mathcal{F}}_{{\mathrm{E}}}$ and ${\mathcal{F}}_{{\mathrm{B}}}$ .
Initialize MATLAB¶
In [1]:
clearvars; close all; clc
% Make the functions in this work directory available to matlab
current_dir = pwd;
% Set all interpreters to latex
list_factory = fieldnames(get(groot,'factory'));
index_interpreter = find(contains(list_factory,'Interpreter'));
for i = 1:length(index_interpreter)
default_name = strrep(list_factory{index_interpreter(i)},'factory','default');
set(groot, default_name,'latex');
clearvars; close all; clc
% Make the functions in this work directory available to matlab
current_dir = pwd;
% Set all interpreters to latex
list_factory = fieldnames(get(groot,'factory'));
index_interpreter = find(contains(list_factory,'Interpreter'));
for i = 1:length(index_interpreter)
default_name = strrep(list_factory{index_interpreter(i)},'factory','default');
set(groot, default_name,'latex');
Load a 3D model¶
In [2]:
% use this factor to scale the shape
shapeScaleFactor = 1.0;
% Load shape from .mat file
shape = loadAircraftMAT('aircraft_pa24-250.mat', shapeScaleFactor);
% Display shape
fprintf('Displaying aircraft shape struct...\n');
% use this factor to scale the shape
shapeScaleFactor = 1.0;
% Load shape from .mat file
shape = loadAircraftMAT('aircraft_pa24-250.mat', shapeScaleFactor);
% Display shape
fprintf('Displaying aircraft shape struct...\n');
Displaying aircraft shape struct...
In [3]:
shape = V: [12495x3 double] F: [4165x3 double] C: [12495x1 double]
Display the shape object with body axes¶
In [4]:
grid on;
hold on;
light('Position',[1 0 -2],'Style','local');
% Trick to have Ze pointing downward and correct visualization
set(gca,'ZDir','reverse');h_fig1 = figure(1);
%% Load aircraft shape
shapeScaleFactor = 1.0;
shape = loadAircraftMAT('aircraft_pa24-250.mat', shapeScaleFactor);
%% Set the aircraft in place
% Posision in Earth axes
vXYZe = [2,2,-2];
% psi, theta, phi -> 'ZYX'
vEulerAngles = convang([20,10,0],'deg','rad');
% Observer point-of-view
theView = [105 15];
% body axes settings = true;
bodyAxesOptions.magX = 2.0;
bodyAxesOptions.magY = 2.0;
bodyAxesOptions.magZ = 2.0;
bodyAxesOptions.lineWidth = 2.5;
plotBodyE(h_fig1, shape, vXYZe, vEulerAngles, bodyAxesOptions, theView);
%% Plot Earth axes
hold on;
xMax = max([abs(vXYZe(1)),5]);
yMax = max([abs(vXYZe(2)),5]);
zMax = 0.3*xMax; % max([abs(max(vXYZe(1))),0.18*xMax]);
vXYZ0 = [0,0,0];
vExtent = [xMax,yMax,zMax];
plotEarthAxes(h_fig1, vXYZ0, vExtent);
%% draw CoG coordinate helper lines
hold on;
helperLinesOptions.lineColor = 'k';
helperLinesOptions.lineWidth = 1.5;
helperLinesOptions.lineStyle = ':';
plotPoint3DHelperLines(h_fig1, vXYZe, helperLinesOptions);
xlabel(' $x_E$ '); ylabel(' $y_E$ '); zlabel(' $z_E$ ');
grid on;
hold on;
light('Position',[1 0 -2],'Style','local');
% Trick to have Ze pointing downward and correct visualization
set(gca,'ZDir','reverse');h_fig1 = figure(1);
%% Load aircraft shape
shapeScaleFactor = 1.0;
shape = loadAircraftMAT('aircraft_pa24-250.mat', shapeScaleFactor);
%% Set the aircraft in place
% Posision in Earth axes
vXYZe = [2,2,-2];
% psi, theta, phi -> 'ZYX'
vEulerAngles = convang([20,10,0],'deg','rad');
% Observer point-of-view
theView = [105 15];
% body axes settings = true;
bodyAxesOptions.magX = 2.0;
bodyAxesOptions.magY = 2.0;
bodyAxesOptions.magZ = 2.0;
bodyAxesOptions.lineWidth = 2.5;
plotBodyE(h_fig1, shape, vXYZe, vEulerAngles, bodyAxesOptions, theView);
%% Plot Earth axes
hold on;
xMax = max([abs(vXYZe(1)),5]);
yMax = max([abs(vXYZe(2)),5]);
zMax = 0.3*xMax; % max([abs(max(vXYZe(1))),0.18*xMax]);
vXYZ0 = [0,0,0];
vExtent = [xMax,yMax,zMax];
plotEarthAxes(h_fig1, vXYZ0, vExtent);
%% draw CoG coordinate helper lines
hold on;
helperLinesOptions.lineColor = 'k';
helperLinesOptions.lineWidth = 1.5;
helperLinesOptions.lineStyle = ':';
plotPoint3DHelperLines(h_fig1, vXYZe, helperLinesOptions);
xlabel(' $x_E$ '); ylabel(' $y_E$ '); zlabel(' $z_E$ ');